As part of the Scripps National Spelling Bee program, Phoenix #1 hosted the second annual District Spelling Bee! Spellers competed in and won their school Spelling Bees before taking part in the district event on January 26, 2024.
Families gathered in the Phoenix #1 Governing Board room to support the 26 students competing in the event.
Congratulations to our Phoenix #1 District Spelling Bee Winners!
1st Place Jackson May / Shaw Montessori
1st Runner Up Georgette Johanni / Shaw Montessori
2nd Runner Up Daisiana Juan / Capitol
We wish our top three spellers the best of luck as they represent Phoenix #1 at a regional Spelling Bee on February 7th.
Spelling Bees foster enhanced vocabularies, transferable concepts, and language skills, providing lasting benefits for ongoing growth and achievement outside the classroom.