• Parent Involvement

  • Bethune Elementary School staff believe that every child is capable of success and can succeed. No Exceptions! Our staff, parents, and students have dispelled the myth of Kids-at-Risk and transformed our thinking to create a school culture for children with renewed hope to Kids-at-Hope. The education of children is a responsibility that we share with parents. Parents can be effective partners with helping raise student achievement and self-esteem when we establish and maintain positive relationships with parents.

    In an effort to generate parent support and build a powerful partnership between home and school, we will engage in the following strategies:

    • Form a parent involvement committee and assess the level of parent involvement.
    • Set a positive tone with an annual meeting, usually during Back-to-School Night or Open House at the beginning of the school year. Send the parents a personal letter as a first positive communication to develop a productive working relationship. Parents will be informed about Title I requirements and guidelines as well as student achievement results for the previous year.
    • Successful parent-teacher conferences will be planned and scheduled. The parent compact will be discussed and signed at the first conference.
    • Parent academies will be held twice during the school year to provide training in reading/literacy and math to show parents how to assist their children at home.
    • Provide Kids-at-Hope training for parents with the staff as they learn to become anchor parents, parents who demonstrate unconditional love and support for their children.
    • The staff handbook and parent/student handbook, that are issued each year, will include the parent policy and the parent compact.