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State & District Assessments
Assessing Student Achievement
We are a data-driven school district with multiple assessments to measure student progress, including Galileo, aimsweb Plus, AzMERIT, AIMS Science, AZELLA, common formative assessment, and other classroom-level assessments.
We also review graduation results as our students matriculate and graduate primarily from Phoenix Union High School District. We work closely with the high school district to ensure our students are prepared for high school and graduating. We are pleased to announce that our students are graduating at a high percentage; especially when you compare it to the state rate of 76% reported by the Arizona Department of Education (ADE). Our students are predominately Latino and economically disadvantaged. The graduation rate for this population in Arizona is 74% and 76% respectively as reported by ADE. Our students who attend Phoenix Union High School District are graduating from high school at an 86.8% rate. This is even higher than the national graduation rate reported by National Public Radio at 83% for 2015.
The District’s AzMERIT scores show a growth rate of 12% for English language arts and 8% for mathematics since 2015. We are pleased to see this rate of growth, yet are confident the next three to five years will show very significant growth as our students become more adept with this type of assessment. Note 2019 AzMERIT data is still preliminary and subject to change, but the changes will be slight.
We are committed to keeping our parents and community informed and will stay focused on our commitment to a high-quality education for all students. Teachers will review AzMERIT scores, as well as all assessment results with parents in the new school year.
We continue to provide instruction in the four content areas of English language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies, in addition to supporting art, general music, instrumental music, and physical education because we understand the importance of educating the whole child. The test results are one measure of student progress in our district where numerous measures are reviewed.
Phoenix Elementary School District #1 provides each child we serve with educational experiences that ensure academic and social success. Our mission is aligned with the state academic standards that include:
- Every child performing at grade level or above in reading, writing, mathematics, science and social studies.
- Every child prepared for high school, college and career.
- All children can and will learn. No exceptions!
We accept and embrace the challenge to ensure that our school district maintains its focus on high quality instruction and sets high expectations for all of our students, as well as the adults who are instrumental in the education of our students. We continue to strive for the highest results on AzMERIT and the other assessments we administer to help define the readiness and academic success of every child we serve.
AzMERIT Information
Phoenix Elementary District Report Cards
Arizona Department of Education: AzMERIT Information
AzMERIT Reporting
Achievement Assessment Updates for School Year 2019-2020