• 504 Plans & Destruction of Records

  • Students who have a physical or mental impairment that limits learning substantially may be eligible for reasonable accommodations under Section 504. Please see the school social worker for more information.

    Destruction of Special Education Records

    Pursuant to ARS 41-1347, the district destroys all psychological and special education records on students five years after those students have been dismissed from special education or have withdrawn from the district. The district maintains a permanent record of their special education services with the student’s name, date of birth, ethnicity and special education eligibility.

    Please note that the Phoenix Elementary School District will be destroying special education records of any student who graduated or left the district on or before May 31st of the fifth year after leaving the district in accordance with District Policy. For further questions, please contact the Phoenix Elementary School District’s Exceptional Student Services Office at (602) 257-3805

    Destruction of General Education Records

    Pursuant to ARS 39-121.01, the district destroys all general education records for students after four years of nonattendance. The district maintains a permanent record of the student’s name, date of birth, place of birth, gender, parents and/or legal guardian’s name, and record of attendance.